Bringing Healing Through The Power of Christ's Love and Compassion
During the first session, your counselor, who is trained and qualified in a therapeutic
technique called “Creation Therapy,” will provide you with an Arno Profile System (A.P.S.)
Response Form.
*This is not a test. It is simply a series of questions which will help your counselor
identify your inborn temperament. This will provide your counselor with a clear
“photograph” of you and some of the things you are experiencing.
During this session, your counselor will ask you to share some of your feelings and the
problems you are experiencing.
During this session, the counselor will be teaching you about yourself and your unique
needs. This will help you to understand why you may be experiencing inner conflict and
conflict with others.
At this point, the counselor will work with you and examine each individual need you
have. You will be working together in an attempt to identify which needs are being met
and those going unmet in a way that is causing you harm.
Now that the unmet needs have been identified, you and your counselor will begin
finding ways to meet your needs; ways which will not cause you harm or harm your
family and loved ones.
© 2018 T.E.A.C.H. Academy Some Sessions May Have to be modified .
All information is adapted from research and textbooks of Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno, Founders of the NCCA.